There are several reasons why it is good to watch TV series, and some of them may seem unexpected to you. Let’s take a look at them.
Laughter is a good weapon against stress
Laughter is the easiest way to relax, relieve tension, while not damaging anything around. The body itself uses this method in difficult situations. You probably know how it happens when, at the most disturbing moment, not conducive to laughter, a person suddenly begins to giggle and cannot help himself. It is a reaction to stress.
Laughter brings relief. And it is not so important what caused it. It’s just that sitcoms are made to give you something to giggle about. This is a legal way to quickly improve your mood, lower the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol levels, and increase the joy hormone endorphin.
TV series help you find answers to difficult questions
Even if it happens in some candy kingdom or on another planet, the heroes are usually very similar to us. They find themselves in recognizable situations, perhaps a little exaggerated. And this is beneficial.
TV series give a sense of stability
TV series imitates life: the plot does not end long and is carried over from episode to episode. This creates a sense of stability, which is so important in a stressful situation.
Watching series provokes activity
As a rule, plots are brighter than everyday life. They carry away and distract from the routine, satisfying the need for vivid emotions. Discussions of episodes become interesting: fan theories are created, series are analyzed at different levels, and even videos about how people watch the show are created. And this also turns into a part of mass culture. And any activity is a good antidote to stress.
TV series expand the circle of communication
Many people love them. And even if you’re not a fan, watching an episode instills certain values in you. Some interest groups are being formed. There is always something to talk about with a stranger.
Each group has its own cultural codes by which representatives recognize each other: phrases, names of characters. The same person can be present in several fandoms at once. Belonging to these groups is one of the easiest ways to make friends as an adult. After all, you have common interests, so it’s easy to start communication. And friendships can help you deal with stress.
How to take serials in therapeutic doses
To make sure TV series are beneficial and in no way harmful, it’s worth establishing rules.
Do not violate the regime
TV shows take time, and it’s the easiest way to steal it from sleep. But lack of sleep is bad for your health and is a source of stress for the body. Sleep is a basic need that must be satisfied first of all.

Don’t waste all your time on it
The average person does not have much free time on weekdays. There are approximately 4-5 hours between returning from work and going to bed. This is not so much considering that you need to solve everyday problems, engage in physical activity, spend time with your family, and so on. It is easy to fit one medium series of 40 minutes into the schedule, combining it with something that does not require concentration. But three or more can be a problem: they take too much time.
Therefore, it is better to determine the number of hours you are ready to devote to TV series. Moreover, if you don’t meet deadlines because of watching the show or feel guilty, this will only exacerbate the stress.
Remember that TV shows are fiction
If the show is interesting, the line between fantasy and reality gets blurred very easily. People even manage to fall in love with the characters or seriously try on incredible situations from the show for life. But nevertheless, it is worth realizing that any plot results from creativity, which lives by slightly different laws and where everything is possible. For example, the instant transformation of an irresponsible villain into a sweetheart and a selfless hero.